Monday, January 9, 2012

Beware the pillow snatcher!

I am P-double O-P-E-D!  I got virtually no sleep.  You know what happened Friday night, but last night is something else.  I blame my husband, the pillow thief for my lack of sleep last night.  I was so happy going to bed last night.  I just knew I was gonna get to sleep in.  I made sure that the ringer was off on the phone, so nobody could call and wake me.  The dogs were all snuggled up in their beds, with visions of rawhide dancing in their heads.  A nice rainy morning was in the forecast.  So, it was gonna be perfect.  Then it happened.  My husband took my pillows and got our pillows mixed-up!  I've only been telling him to keep his hands off of my pillows for 15+ years now, so why would he know not to take them, right?  In my exhaustion, I didn't realize that they pillows were mixed-up.  My little angel of a 2 year old decided that bedtime was optional, as usual, and was in and out of bed until about 4am.  My dear, sweet hubby, who had gotten about 10 hours of sleep Friday night, was apparently exhausted and sleep deprived, so he let me deal with the angel while he snored.  I wasn't gonna get mad,so I just dozed in-between being used as a jungle gym.  Little man got in bed for good around 4am, but wasn't sound asleep until hours later, like 5 hours later.  I had to snuggle him until then, or he would cry out.  When he finally was totally settled, I tried to roll over to get a little more comfortable, only to find that someone had apparently stabbed me during the night without my knowledge.  But, there was no blood!  Then I realized, my hubby had my pillows and I had his!  It felt like someone had taken a knife and put it in my neck and just ran it down to the middle of my shoulder blades.  PAIN!  Trust me, I don't suffer from back pain often, but this was BAD.  I have a very high pain tolerance (natural labor with 3 kids, 1 of which was over 9 pounds).  I couldn't move without severe pain.  I turned this way and that, but no relief.  So, I gave-up and went downstairs to see if the sofa would give me the support I needed to relieve my pain.  It took a little over an hour, but the sofa did the trick, thank goodness.  Once I felt better, I proceeded to make the pillow snatcher get up and out of bed and listen to me bark at him.  Henceforth he shall be known to me as "pillow thief."

The moral of this story folks:  Make sure that you have very different pillow cases than your hubby, or you to could be a victim of this dreadful crime!  Only you can prevent pillow snatchings!

Well, the holidays are officially over.  Tomorrow we must start back to school, along with doing a million other things.  So, my oldest son asked me if I had the day planned out for tomorrow. I said, "I am going to give you your work.  You will take it to your room, then come downstairs complaining about forgetting everything and being angry because it's all my fault because we took too long off for Christmas.  Then, you will decide to work on another subject, but decide to play the xbox for a few minutes instead.  I will come upstairs about an hour later to see how much progress you have made on your schoolwork, only to find you still playing xbox.  I will then tell you to get to work, and you will say 'In a minute.'"   He rolled his eyes.  Can you imagine?!

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